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  • Phone Number to Contact
    What's App:+94 776120722
  • What do we offer
    Our online elocution tutoring program offers a range of services, including: Personalized lesson plans tailored to individual needs Assistance with pronunciation, accent reduction, and speech clarity Development of effective communication skills Coaching on public speaking, presentations, and interviews Improvement in voice projection and modulation Training in effective body language and nonverbal communication
  • Who can benefit from online elocution lessons?
    Who can benefit from online elocution lessons? Anyone looking to improve their communication skills can benefit from online elocution lessons. This includes students, professionals, public speakers, and individuals seeking to overcome speech challenges or reduce their accents.
  • How do the online elocution lessons work?
    Online elocution lessons are conducted through video conferencing platforms such as Zoom or Skype. Students receive personalized feedback, practice exercises, and tailored lesson plans based on their individual needs and goals.
  • How much do online elocution lessons cost?
    The cost of online elocution lessons varies depending on the students proficiency and level of understanding. We offer several programs to suit different budgets and educational needs. For detailed information, please visit contact us via telephone or email.
  • Are the lessons available for individuals outside Sri Lanka?
    Yes, they are available to individuals worldwide. The lessons are conducted in English and can accommodate students from various countries and time zones.
  • How long does it take to see improvements in my speech?
    The duration of improvement depends on individual factors, such as the student's current skill level, commitment to practice, and consistency in attending lessons. Most students begin to see noticeable improvements within a few weeks to a few months of regular practice.
  • How can I contact you for more information?
    For more information or any questions, please feel free to contact us through our website's contact form or via email at [email protected].
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